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NEW Members: First Chiropractic Office Visit
Initial ADULT visit includes consultation, neuro-musculo-spinal exam, posture assessment and 1st. gentle chiropractic treatment. Based on your results a rehabilitation care plan will be created for you and discussed on your 2nd. visit.
For those interested in a more well rounded care plan that includes Structural, Functional and Emotional Wellbeing Plans (Adjustments, Hormone balancing, Nutritional, Exercise and Stress reduction recommendations and accountability) please refer to the "Functional Medicine- Hormone Balancing" option. Thank you.
If you are ACUTE and are having a hard time moving around I also have Home Visit options, where I go to you. Please call or email to set up an appointment.
RETURNING Members: Chiropractic Follow Up Office Visit
This is a regular follow up visit for an established patient only. If a visit is needed and patient has not been in for more than ONE year, a reactivation appointment may be needed especially if there is a new injurie(s) or accident(s). Please call or email to discuss if you are eligible for a regular follow-up appointment time or to schedule a REACTIVATION appointment time.
Cranial Facial Release (CFR)
Cranial Facial Release (CFR) is an advanced health technique that is designed to help patients by unlocking cranial fixations, opening the patient’s breathing passageways, facilitating cerebral spinal fluid flow, increasing vascular flow to and venous drainage from the cranium and optimizing brain function. It accomplishes this through a procedure that mobilizes the cranial bones.
Who should undergo CFR?
The objective of CFR technique is to unlock cranial fixations and induce mobility in the cranial system – which means it has been used to treat a number of conditions that result from reduced cranial system mobility.
CFR is employed in the treatment of breathing disorders like snoring, sleep apnea and deviated septum. It is also used to relieve symptoms of migraine headaches, vertigo, facial paralysis due to Bell’s Palsy and Post-Concussion Syndrome.
What does CFR involve?
CFR is performed by a trained health practitioner who inserts tiny balloons into the patients nose. The balloon is placed in the nasopharynx, the part of the nose that connects the pharynx with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
The balloons are inflated quickly and for a short period of time, which mobilizes the bones of the face and cranium. The actual inflation and deflation of the balloons is very fast, and many patients compare the sensation to jumping into a swimming pool and having water shoot up their nose. While the procedure can cause some discomfort, it is less invasive than similar treatments and individual procedures lasts only three seconds or less. The normally recommended course of treatment is four separate procedures performed over a seven to ten-day period.
Functional Medicine Screening Hormone Balancing
If you are feeling any of the symptoms below then you can be a great candidate for stress & hormone re-balancing.
A saliva sample will be needed and an ASI test kit panel will be sent to the lab for further assessment. ASI stands for the, "Adrenal Stress Index."
The Adrenal Stress Index can be helpful if you experience:
Chronic stress and stress-related health conditions
Fatigue or lack of energy
Anxiety or depression
Irritability or mood swings
Insomnia, sleep disturbances or difficulty waking
Difficulty losing weight
Poor memory or difficulty retaining information
Muscle and joint pain or weakness
Easy bruising or excessive stretch marks
After discussing possible causes to your imbalances, solutions and action steps will be discussed.
Yoga Rehabilitation For The Spine
Yoga as Rehab for the Spine
1 to 1 instruction and couples sessions to learn principles of Yoga and poses for home practice and before attending larger group classes.
Alignment principles
Stress reduction
Pranayama Breathing for Mindbody Connection
Stretching (passive and active), Soft Tissue Muscle Release & Electric Stimulation
Stretching for full body or targeted area both passive and active with instruction.
Blades IASTM or “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation” techniques use plastic and steel tools for superficial and deep tissue work that can sometimes cause redness and bruising on the skin and allows for neuro-sensory pain modulation (reduction and management of). IASTM tools are designed to be used with very gentle applications of force, These techniques are used to treat dysfunctions of skin, fascia and nerve and to increase healing opportunities.
*Electrical Stimulation is also offered for a specific area of complaint.- please ask for more information.
Certified Ergonomist
Investment for these services depend on many factors. TBD upon initial consultation and needs of individual and / or amount of employees participating in this program.
*Typical cost for services ranges from $350-$500 per individual and depending on the type of service provided; Virtual or On-Site.
*Leading the movement against Sitting Disease*
Updated and improved ergonomic solutions for both in office workspaces, virtual home-based workstation setups and most importantly, the individuals who keep the wheels turning.
I have teamed up with, “The American Posture Institute,” to offer the most relevant and updated ergonomic protocols that focus on individual needs and not just their workstation set up.
*What Is Postural Ergonomics?
Postural Ergonomics is a totally-reinvented system for practicing ergonomics. Quite frankly, the old model of ergonomics has failed you. Postural Ergonomics is different from any other ergonomic program because the focus is on the person, not the furniture. Human physiology first, and ergonomic design second.
Postural Ergonomics consists of 4 Core Components:
1) Functional- Your ability to perform functional human movements within your working environment without putting yourself at risk for injury.
2) Postural- Evaluating the client's Postural Design while in their workspace environment.
3) Brain-Based- Cultivate improved focus and cognitive function while at work, helping to prevent neural fatigue and enabling performance at a higher level.
4) Environmental- Evaluating the client's workspace design and how that design impacts the other 3 components of Postural Ergonomics.
*It is recommended to book a 15 min. complementary virtual session to discuss your needs first.
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